After some frustrating encounters with Pagans who called themselves libertarians I decided to write why Pagans once had a libertarian connection and why there really is no longer any reason to do so until libertarians do a thorough house cleansing of at least most distortions and incoherencies from their ideology. Those essays are first, on the heartlessness and contradictions of libertarian theory, and then its absolute incompatibility with a Pagan, and likely any, genuine spiritual perspective. Its failure to connect with genuine spiritual insight might explain its appeal to some who also work with the ‘christian’ right. For they are even farther removed. However, in the second essay I also point out areas where one day it might become compatible with Pagan and other spiritual perspectives if libertarians ever started seriously examining their nonaggression principle.
That the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, that is to some degree scholarly, could say North Dakota was America’s freest state seems to me unintentionally eloquent testimony both to contemporary libertarians capacity to be enemies of freedom, and a rebuttal in their own words of the rationale for their claims about the market. (see essay below this blog entry)