This website brings the various and scattered places where my work has appeared into a single location, fulfilling desires of both service and vanity. Over the years I’ve become increasingly frustrated with writing in fragmentary and disconnected venues that are not easily available as a whole, and so make it hard for anyone to see how my popular and scholarly writings about the dynamics of complex adaptive systems, NeoPagan spirituality, deep ecology, and political analysis contribute to a reasonably coherent perspective on our world and the place we play within it. Here that is easy.
My blog is the most active part of this site. It will occasionally cross reference to other places as well, especially Patheos. In addition, the right hand column makes my most important articles on emergent order, spirituality, ecology, and politics easily available. Many are from refereed academic journals, but there are also many popular pieces. Finally, over there you can access information on books where I am the sole author or a major co-author.
My new site also has its vanity side. For many years I supported my Ph.D. research primarily as an artist; the “starving academic who did art for a living.” My medium was pen and ink, reproduced on stationery, envelopes, and note cards. The technology that makes this web site available also made it clear that if I wanted my business to continue, I would have to eliminate almost all designs and wholesale the same stuff nationally. I would become a manger not an artist, and barely be an entrepreneur. I went back to teaching college as a visiting professor. Now I can display my art, and enable anyone who desires to download it. Then I threw in some of my favorite photographs as well.
Why not?