Academically, I am a Political Scientist and a Gardnerian Witch, in both cases for about 40 years. I encountered the Craft soon after gaining my Ph.D. at Berkeley. I cut my ideological teeth as a young conservative in high school … Read more
Tag: nature religion
People of the Earth
What is Indigenaity in Religion?
With small changes this article appeared in The Interfaith Observer.
Can indigenous peoples not practice indigenous religions? What if a non-indigenous person claims to practice their religion? Can people normally not considered indigenous have an indigenous religion? Can … Read more
Re-thinking the Obvious: Modernity and Living Respectfully with Nature
Answering critics of Pagan polytheism
Bizarrely some Pagans are trying to claim the term “polytheist” for themselves, and deny it to anyone who looks at the matter differently. In my newest Witches & Pagans post I demonstrate they do not know what they are talking … Read more
Why Pagans aren’t much interested in theology compared to monotheists
Over at Witches and Pagans I have posted a piece explaining theology’s relatively unimportant role in Pagan religion compared to what it plays in Abrahamic ones.… Read more
What is indigenaity in religion?
I was asked to write a piece on this topic for The Interfaith Observer and think it will be of interest to anyone wondering how we NreoPagans relate to the many indigenous religious traditions in the world, traditions that do … Read more
Pantheism, Paganism, and Tocqueville on the Soul of Democracy
I have a new post up on Witches and Pagans that explores how the themes of modern Pagan spirituality appear inherent in a democratic culture… or at least so Alexis Tocqueville believed. Though as a good Catholic he was not … Read more
Before the Farm – and After
Based on reasonable extrapolations from both the historical evidence and surviving hunting and gathering societies, our earliest forbearers generally lived in relatively small usually mobile groups. This mobility was not universal. Permanent communities could exist where fish, game, and edible … Read more