Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, May 1984 (Political Science: Political Theory)
M.A. University of Kansas, Lawrence, 1974 (Political Science: Political Theory)
B.A. University of Kansas, Lawrence, 1969 (Political Science and History)
God is Dead, Long Live the Gods: The Case for Polytheism, with Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, MN. 2020.
Faultlines: The Sixties, the Culture War and the Return of the Divine Feminine, Quest Publications, Wheaton, IL, 2013.
Beyond the Burning Times: A Pagan and Christian in Dialogue (Lion Hudson, 2007). With co-author Philip Johnson.
Pagans and Christians: The Personal Spiritual Experience, Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, MN, February, 2001. Pagans and Christians was awarded the Best Nonfiction of 2001 by the Coalition of Visionary Resources,
Persuasion, Power and Polity: A Theory of Democratic Self-Organization, Hampton Press, Cresskill, NJ and Institute of Contemporary Studies, Oakland, CA. Published in 2000.
I am an independent scholar retired from formal academic work.
Liberalism and Emergent Order (working title). This volume explores how insights about self-organization modifies and in places transforms how the basic principles of liberal modernity are understood. The volume explores the interrelationships between the emergent processes of liberal democracy, market economies, science, and ecosystems. It addresses current issues in liberal thought, including freedom, equality, and the threatening commodification of civil society.
Rethinking Individualism and Individuality: Part I: From individualism to individuality. Cosmos and Taxis. 11: 1-2. 2023. 71-89.
Outgrowing Methodological Individualism: Emergence, spontaneous orders, and civil society. Cosmos and Taxis. 9: 7-8. 2021. 1-25.
“Ecology, Markets and Capitalism: The Challenge of Sustainability” Cosmos and Taxis, 8:10-11, 2020. pp.18-38.
Reviving Liberalism in the 21st Century: The Evolutionary Liberal Tradition, Reclaiming Liberalism eds. David F. Hardwick and Leslie Marsh. (NY: Palgrave MacMillan) 2020.
“The Highway to Serfdom” Cosmos and Taxis, vol. 8, No. 2-3, 2020. 39-65.
“Democracies are Spontaneous Orders, Not States and Why It Is Important” Cosmos and Taxis, vol. 7, No. 3-4, 2019. 1-25.
“A Critique of Capitalism From an Austrian Perspective” Cosmos and Taxis, vol. 6, No. 1, 2019.
“Connecting the Dots: Hayek, Darwin, and Ecology“ Cosmos and Taxis, Vol. 5, Nos. 3-4. 2018
“Not Simply Construction: Exploring the Darker Side of Taxis” Cosmos and Taxis, vol. 3, no. 1, 2015.
“Paradoxes of Freedom: Civil Society, the Market, and Capitalism” Cosmos and Taxis, vol. 2, no. 1, 2014.
“Outlining a New Paradigm” Cosmos and Taxis, vol. 1, no. 1, 2013.
With D. F. Hardwick, “The Emergence of Vancouver as a Creative City.” In Andersson, DE, Mellander, C, Andersson ÅE (Eds.), Handbook of Creative Cities, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. 2011.
“Spontaneous Order and Liberalism’s Complex Relation to Democracy,” The Independent Review, 16:2, Fall, 2011.
“Conflicts and Contradictions in Invisible Hand Phenomena” Studies in Emergent Order, III, 2010,
“New Directions in Emergent Order Research” Studies in Emergent Order, I, 2007,
“Toward a Hayekian Theory of Commodification and Systemic Contradiction: Citizens, Consumers and the Media” The Review of Politics 66:3, Summer, 2004. 445-468.
“Scale and Magnanimity in Liberal Theory, Reflections on Civic Liberalism”, in Critical Review, vol. 15, nos. 1-2, Winter-Spring 2003. 147-71.
Emergent Order and liberal Political Theory. The Good Society. 11 (3): 29-33.
“Liberalism, Democracy and the State: Reclaiming the Unity of Liberal Politics,” The Review of Politics, Fall, 2001.
“Market Non-neutrality: Systemic Bias in Spontaneous Orders,” Critical Review, 11: 1, 1997, 121-144.
With D F Hardwick, W G Hardwick. Directing change: a contemporary administrative challenge. Modern Pathology 05/1997; 10(4):380-3.
“Deep Ecology and Liberalism: The Greener Implications of Evolutionary Liberalism,” Review of Politics, Fall, 1996.
“Democracy and Peace: The Self-Organizing Foundation of the Democratic Peace,” The Review of Politics, 57:2, Spring, 1995, 279-308.
“Empathy, Society, Nature and the Relational Self: Deep Ecology and Liberal Modernity,” Social Theory and Practice. 21:2, Summer, 1995, 239-269.
“Individuality, Human and Natural Communities, and the Foundation for Ethics,” Environmental Ethics, 17: 1, Spring, 1995, 23-37.
“Social Ecology, Deep Ecology, and Liberalism” Critical Review, 6: 2-3, 1992, 305-370.
“Elites and Democratic Theory: Insights from the Self-Organizing Model,” Review of Politics, June, 1991, 340-372.
“Democracy as a Spontaneous Order,” Critical Review, Spring, 1989, 206-240.
“Equality, Self-Government, and Democracy,” Western Political Quarterly, now The Political Research Quarterly, September, 1988, 447-468.
“Liberalism and Democracy,” a review essay analyzing Robert Dahl’s A Preface to Economic Democracy, in Critical Review, Summer, 1987, 45-62.
“Liberalism, Green Politics, and the Post-Modern Paradigm,” Critical Review, Spg, 1987, 17-41.
Two Sexes, Many Genders and the perils of thinking in dichotomies, Pagan Currents, May 18, 2019.
What is Indigeneity? The Interfaith Observer, February 6, 2015.
“From Methodological Individualism to Emergence, Ecology, and the Fluid Self” in Austrian Economic Perspectives on Individualism, edited by Guinevere Nell. Palgrave MacMillan, 2014.
“Contract, Freedom, and Flourishing: the Implications of Spain’s Mondragon Cooperatives” in Austrian Theory and Economic Organization, edited by Guinevere Nell. Palgrave MacMillan 2014.
“Making the Case: Women, Pagans and Those Valuing Religious Freedom Should Vote Democratic, Voices of the Sacred Feminine, Karen Tate, ed., Change Makers Books, Winchester, UK, 2014. 233-8
“The Pathologies and Unrealized Promise of Libertarianism” in Kelly, G. ed. Uncivil Liberties: Deconstructing Libertarianism, NY: Praxis Peace Institute 2013.
“Response to Avatar,” in Connecting Christ, Paul Louis Metzger, Nashville, Thomas Nelson, 2012. 257-60.
Invited Response in Appendix, Paul Louis Metzger, More Than One Way: How to Talk about Jesus in a Pluralistic Culture (Northfield, June 2011)
Paganism and Ecology, in Barb Davy, ed., Nature Religion Reader in Paganism and Ecology, Rowman and Littlefield, 2007 .
Philanthropy, Civil Society, and Institutions of Care, (PEGS) The Political Economy of the Good Society, 15:1, 2007
“Democratic Forest Trusts” in Watson, Alan; Dean, Liese; Sproull, Janet, comps. Science Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 2006.and stewardship to protect and sustain wilderness values: Eighth World Wilderness Congress symposium; 2005 September 30-October 6; Anchorage, AK.
Proceedings RMRS-P-000. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 2006
“Complexity and the Dream of Human Control of Eco-Systems,” in Watson, Alan; Dean, Liese; Sproull, Janet, comps. Science and stewardship to protect and sustain wilderness values: Eighth World Wilderness Congress symposium; 2005 September 30-October 6; Anchorage, AK. Proceedings RMRS-P-000. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 2006
NeoPagans, Social Responsibility and Politics. Chapter in the anthology Exploring the Pagan Path: Wisdom From the Elders, (New Page Books, 2005)
“Comments on Ealy’s ‘The Necessity of Overcoming the Prejudice of Political philosophy as a Condition for Philanthropy’,” Conversations on Philanthropy, No. 1, Summer, 2004., 85-91.
Articles on Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Bill Kristol, and Sean Hannity in The I Hate Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity… Reader: The Hideous Truth About America’s Ugliest Conservatives, Clint Willis, ed., (NY: Thunder Mouth Press, 2004).
“Emergent Order and Liberal Political Theory” PEGS (Political Economy and the Good Society) 11:3, 2002. 29-33.
“Democracy, Complexity and Non-Territorial Publics: The Case for Forest Trusts” in Steve McBride and Laurent Dobuzinskis, eds., Global Instability: Uncertainty and New Visions in Political Economy, Palgrave/MacMillan, 2003.
“Sympathy, Nature and the Splitting of the Atomic Self,” New Renaissance, Winter 2001.
The Nature of the Divine: Transcendence and Immanence in Contemporary Pagan Theology, With 14 other participants. The Pomegranate, 16, May, 2001. pp. 4-16.
“La democrazia delle citta” (“Federalism and Democratic Evolution,”) in Italian translation, Ideazione, Rome, 3, 2001.
Prescription for the “Lesser of Two Evils” Election Malaise: Is There Another Way? West By Northwest (An Online Magazine), Late Summer, 2000:
“Nature Religion and the Modern World,” Sacred Cosmos, November, 2000.
“Stato o democrazia? Contro la critica liberale classica della politica democratica.” Elites, Naples, II, 3, Fall 1999.
“Love, Suffering and Evil: A Neopagan View,” The Pomegranate, 7: Imbolc, 1999.
“Saving Western Towns: A Jeffersonian Green Proposal,” in Writers on the Range, Karl Hess and John Baden, ed., University Press of Colorado, Niwot, CO 1998.
“Federalismo, autoorganizzazione e dissoluzione dello Stato,” (translated reprint) élites, 2:1, Jan.-March, 1998.
“Rethinking the Obvious: Modernity and Living Respectfully With Nature,” The Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy, Winter, 1997.
“Empathy, Society, Nature, and the Relational Self: Deep Ecology and Liberalism,” in Roger Gottlieb, eds., The Ecological Community, Routledge, New York, 1997.
“Comment on William Ophuls’ ‘Requiem for Representative Democracy,’” PEGS (Political Economy of the Good Society), Fall, 1997.
“Il Federalismo e la Dissoluzione dello Stato,” (translated reprint) Federalismo & Societa, V, II Fall, 1997.
“Towards an Ecocentric Political Economy” The Trumpeter, Fall, 1996.
“Empathy, Society, Nature and the Relational Self: Deep Ecology and Liberal Modernity,” reprinted in The Environmental Challenge to Social and Political Theory, Roger S. Gottlieb, ed., Routledge, 1996.
“Environmentalism and the New Political Climate: Wiser Strategies for the Future,” in A Wolf in the Garden: The Land Rights Movement and the Renewal of the American Environmental Movement, Philip Brick and R. MacGregor Cawley, eds., Rowman and Littlefield, 1996.
“Ken Wilber’s Critique of Deep Ecology and Nature Religion,” The Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy, 13: 3, Spring, 1996.
“Sustainable Communities: Self-Organization, Politics, and Gore’s Environmental Marshall Plan,” in Goring the Earth: A Constructive Response to Earth in the Balance, Pacific Research Institute, 1994, 227-248. (My chapter was favorably reviewed in Nature, vol. 375, May 11, 1995, p. 115.)
“Federalism, Self-Organization, and the Dissolution of the State,” Telos, no. 100, Summer, 1994, 57-86.
“Unexpected Harmonies: Self-Organization in Liberal Modernity and Ecology” The Trumpeter, Journal of Ecosophy, 10:1, Winter 1993, 25-32.
“Quantum Mechanics and Post-Modern Political Theory: the Priority of Relationships over Objects,” in New Physics, New Politics, Theodore Becker, ed, Praeger Press, 1991, 65-97.
“Animal Rights and Human Rights: The Perils of Abstractness,” Public Affairs Report, Institute of Governmental Affairs, UC Berkeley, November, 1991.
“How Informed Need Voters Really Be?” Public Affairs Report , Institute for Governmental Affairs, Univ. of California, Berkeley, Vol. 31, No. 6, November, 1990.
“Liberalism and Democracy: Spontaneous Order, Information and Values,” Wirtschafts-Politische Blatter, vol. 36, no. 2, 1989, 158-168.
Review of Deborah Cadbury, Chocolate Wars: The 150 year rivalry between the world’s greatest chocolate makers. For Conversations in Philanthropy, forthcoming.
Review of David Prychitko, Markets, Planning and Democracy, for the Review of Austrian Economics.2007, 20:2-3. 209-11.
Review of Maxime Schwartz, How the Cows Turned Mad, for The Review of Politics, Spring 2006. 68:2..
Review of Paul Christopher Johnson, Secrets, Gossip. And Gods: The Transformation of Brazilian Candomble, for The Pomegranate. Volume 7 Issue2, 2005, pp. 234-8.
Natural Capitalism vs. Free Market Environmentalism, The Free Liberal, 1:3, 2004. p. 8
Conservatism, Liberalism, and the Radical Right, The Free Liberal, 1:2,2004. pp. 4-5.
Review of John R. Hibbing and Elizabeth Theiss-Morse, What is it About Government that Americans Dislike? (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), in Canadian Journal of Political Science, forthcoming.
“Can Bush’s Judgment be Trusted on the Brink of War?” Walla Walla Union Bulletin, September 25. 2002.
“Ashcroft must serve people. Country and Constitution” Walla Walla Union Bulletin, December 19. 2001.
“Back to Nature” UUWorld 15:5, Nov./Dec. 2001, p. 14
“Neopaganism and Fascism, contra Staudenmaier” The Pomegranate, 16, May, 2001. pp. 51-53.
“Neopaganism,” letter to Hinduism Today, December, 1999, p. 12.
Review of Anton Pelinka, Politics of the Lesser Evil: Leadership, Democracy and Jaruzelski’s Poland, (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Pub., 1999) in Journal of Political and Military Sociology, vol. 27, no. 1, Summer 1999.
“Religious Freedom in Military at Risk,” Santa Rosa Press Democrat, June 26, 1999.
“Democracies Don’t Shoot at Each Other,” Wall Street Journal, Jan. 20, 1999.
“A Disaster Strikes, A Community Rallies,” Santa Rosa Press Democrat, Oct. 11, 1997.
Letter to Gnosis arguing pre-modern humanity had a sense of natural beauty. Fall, 1996.
Review of Ken Wilber, Sex, Ecology, Spirituality: The Spirit of Evolution, (Boston: Shambhala, 1995), in Gnosis, no. 37, Fall, 1995, 86-87. With Richard Smoley.
“True Endangered Species Reform,” opinion column. Santa Rosa Press Democrat, May 2, 1995.
“Defending the ’60s Generation” Santa Rosa Press Democrat, March 19, 1995.
“Local Solutions for Local Problems,” The Wichita Eagle, opinion column, Jan. 22, 1995.
“Together in Disaster” The flood and strengthening community. Santa Rosa Press Democrat, opinion column, January 13, 1995, Santa Rosa, CA.
“Sow the Seeds, Grow Citizens,” opinion column, The Wichita Eagle, Nov. 20, 1994.
“Closing Down Drug Houses,” opinion column, The Wichita Eagle, Sept. 25, 1994.
A letter discussing markets and environmental policy, Sierra, May/June, 1994.
“The Foolishness Behind the ‘Wise Use’ Crusade” opinion column, Seattle Times, March 16, 1994.
A letter defending environmentalism and eco-centric philosophy in Reason, April, 1994.
A letter defending environmentalism and discussing the 1993 California fires. The Wall Street Journal. Nov. 26, 1993.
Many book reviews for Sierra Club publication The Yodeler . Among the titles reviewed are Anna Bramwell, Ecology in the 20th Century, (Yale, 1989); Brian Tokar, The Green Alternative, (R&E Miles, 1987); J. Baird Callicott, In Defense of the Land Ethic, (SUNY, 1989) and Michael Allaby, A Guide to Gaia, (E. P. Dutton, 1989), Dave Foreman, Confessions of an Eco-Warrior, (Harmony Books, 1991)
“A New Horse for the Spirits” Shaman’s Drum, Mid-summer, 1989.
Letter discussing the controversy over President Reagan’s visit to the Bitburg cemetery. Die Zeit, no. 23, May 31, 1985.
“Paradoxes of Freedom: Civil Society and the Market,” 4th Conference on New Directions in the Study of Emergent and Spontaneous Orders: coping with tensions, Portsmouth, NH, Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 2011.
“Conflicts and Contradictions in Invisible Hand Phenomena” 3rd Conference on New Directions in the Study of Emergent and Spontaneous Orders: Organizations and emergence: Tensions and Symbiosis, White Plains, NY, December 3-6, 2009.
“New Directions in Emergent Order Research” 2nd Conference on New Directions in the Study of Emergent and Spontaneous Orders, October 27-30, Portsmouth, NH, 2008.
“Philanthropy, Public Values and the Crisis of Liberalism” The Commerce of Neighbors: Philanthropy and Emergent Order, Project for New Philanthropy Studies, Donors Trust, Providence, Rhode Island, September 25-28, 2008.
“Comments on Papers Submitted” Conference on New Directions in the Study of Emergent and Spontaneous Orders: Orders and Borders, Portsmouth, New Hampshire October 27-30, 2007
“Boundaries and Conflict Between Social and Ecological Emergent Orders: A Left-Hayekian Perspective.” Panel presentation at the International Society for the Systems Sciences 50th Annual Conference, Sonoma State University, California, July 9-14, 2006.
“Watershed Restoration Groups and Democratic Forest Trusts as Evolutionary Learning Communities.” Panel presentation at the International Society for the Systems Sciences 50th Annual Conference, Sonoma State University, California, July 9-14, 2006.
Panel Participant, Prospects for American Conservatism, Association for Political Theory Conference 2005, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, October 22, 2005.
“Emergent Order and Political Theory,” Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Spontaneous Order, Fund for the Study of Spontaneous Orders, Atlas Economic Research Foundation, George Mason University Law School, Arlington, Virginia, January 12 to 14, 2005.
“Emergent Order and Political theory,” Association for Political Theory Conference 2004, The Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO, October 30, 2004.
“Return of the Divine Feminine: The 60s and the Culture War,” Pantheacon, San Jose, Feb. 18, 2006.
“At Home on the Earth: Paganism and Ecology”, Feb 19, Pantheacon, San Jose, Feb. 19, 2006
Panel Participant, Prospects for American Conservatism, Association for Political Theory Conference 2005, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, October 22, 2005.
“Complexity and the Dream of Human Control of Eco-Systems,” poster and short presentation at the 8th World Wilderness Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, Sept 30 through October 6, 2005.
“Democratic Forest Trusts” poster and short presentation at the 8th World Wilderness Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, Sept 30 through October 6, 2005.
“Pagans, Ecology and the Sacred in Nature,” Pantheacon, San Jose, Feb. 20, 2005.
“Pagans in the Academy, Panel discussion. Pantheacon, San Jose, Feb. 19, 2005
“Emergent Order and Political theory” and “Toward a Hayekian Theory of Commodification and Systemic Contradiction” Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Spontaneous Order, Fund for the
Study of Spontaneous Orders, Atlas Economic Research Foundation, George Mason University Law School, Arlington, Virginia, January 12 to 14, 2005.
“Emergent Order and Political theory,” Association for Political Theory Conference 2004, The Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO, October 30, 2004.
“Toward a Hayekian Theory of Commodification and Systemic Contradiction: Citizens, Consumers and the Media” Presented at the Kaplan Workshop in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, March 29, 2004.
“Democracy, Complexity, and Non-Territorial Publics: The Case for Forest Trusts” presented at the 14th Annual Interdisciplinary Environment and Community Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY, February 19, 2004.
“Modernity and Environmental Sustainability: Positive Possibilities” Southwest Political Science Association meeting. Amarillo, TX, April 15-18, 2003.
Chair, Panel on “New and Recent Books in Environmental Politics” Western Political Science Association annual meeting, Denver, CO, March, 2003.
“Emergent Order in Political Theory” To be presented at the Western Political Science Association annual meeting, Denver, CO, March, 2003.
“Unexpected Connections: The Socialist Calculation Debate and Lessons for Sustainable Societies” Presented at the Kaplan Workshop in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, April 5, 2002.
“Unexpected Connections: The Socialist Calculation Debate and Lessons for Sustainable Societies” Southwestern Social Science Association, New Orleans, LA, March, 2002.
“Unexpected Connections: The Socialist Calculation Debate and Lessons for Sustainable Societies” Western Political Science Association annual meeting, Long Beach, CA, March, 2002.
“Wild Democracy” radio interview with Dr. J. Hughes, see:
Guest speaker and panelist, national convention, Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, Boulder, Colorado, September 21-23, 2001. forthcoming.
“Pagans and Christians: An Interview with Gus diZerega” in Connections Magazine, Winter, 2001.
Interviewed in, The Wiccan Pagan Times, on line:, August, 2001.
“Protecting Local Values: The Case for Forest Trusts” Presented at the Global Turbulence Conference, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, July 19-20, 2001.
“Democracy, Ecology and Sustainability: The Case of Forest Trusts” Presented at the Western Political Science Association annual meeting, Las Vegas, NV, March, 2001.
“Pagans, Christians, and the Sacred in Nature,” Pantheacon, San Francisco, Feb. 17, 2001.
Guest Speaker, Sustainable Edmonton Society Community Conference: From Action to Understanding, Grant MacEwan Community College, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Oct. 23 – 25, 1998.
Guest Lecturer, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA. May 22, 1998. I gave a presentation on Deep Ecology, Modernity and Sustainability.
Panelist and discussant, 50th Annual Conference on World Affairs, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, April 6-10, 1998. I participated in seven panels dealing with religion, the environment, and contemporary politics.
Interviewed by Michael Toms on the subject of modernity and Deep Ecology. Feb. 5, 1998. New Dimensions Radio, as part of a series on Deep Ecology. New Dimensions appears on over 300 stations worldwide.
Panelist and discussant, 49th Annual Conference on World Affairs, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, April 7-11, 1997. I participated in seven panels dealing with religion, the environment, and contemporary politics.
“Nature Religion and the Modern World,” at Pantheacon, Oakland, Feb. 17, 1997.
“Transpersonal Psychology and Paganism: Ken Wilber’s Attack on Nature Religion” at Pantheacon, San Jose, Feb. 18, 1996.
Panelist, “Pagan Scholarship: Oxymoron no more” at Pantheacon, San Jose, Feb. 17, 1996.
“Paganism and Modernity” at Celebrating the Spirit: Towards a Global Ethic. This was part of the interfaith portion of the official “UN 50” celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. University of California, Berkeley, CA, June 21, 1995.
Guest lecturer, St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York. I was invited to give a presentation on liberalism and environmental ethics and a second lecture on environmental issues and public policy as a guest of the Political Science and Economics Departments, April 6-7, 1995.
“Paganism and Modernity” at Pantheacon, San Jose, CA, Feb. 15, 1995.
“Democracy and Peace: The Self-Organizing Foundation for the Democratic Peace,” Institute for Governmental Studies, Berkeley, CA, Feb. 1, 1995.
“The Role of Self-organizing Principles in Environmental Policy” Presentation to British Columbia Commission on Resources and the Environment. March 28, 1994.
“Saving Western Towns” presented April 21, 1994, at the Panel on Property Rights and Public Interests, Western Social Science Association Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
I was the only non-Canadian invited to the “Invitational Symposium on Growth Management” sponsored by the Province of British Columbia. I was invited in order to give a presentation on how self-organizing processes in public policy could help solve otherwise intractable problems in regional growth and complexity. Vancouver, B.C., February 26-27, 1993. This presentation led directly to the book project described under “work in progress.”
“Elites and Democratic Theory: Insights from the Self-Organizing Model” American Political Science Assoc. Meeting, Washington D.C., Aug. 31, 1989
“The Scientific Community and Democratic Theory: Implications from the Work of Stephen Toulmin and John Ziman” Northwestern Political Science Assoc., Portland, OR, Nov. 10, 1988
“The Scientific Community and Democratic Theory: Implications from the Work of Stephen Toulmin and John Ziman” APSA Meeting, Washington, D.C., Sept. 2, 1988
“Democracy and Self-Organizing Systems: Applying Hayekian Insights to Democratic Theory” Symposium on Self-Organizing Systems and the Social Sciences, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, April 28, 1988.
Visiting Professor of Politics, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, April, 2009 I taught there for two weeks as a special visiting professor because of my work on politics and complex adaptive systems. 2009.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Government, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617. 2004-2007.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Politics, Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA 99362, 2000-2004.
Adjunct Faculty, Dept. of Social Sciences, Santa Rosa Junior College, 1501 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95401-4395 (707) 527-4228: August, 1995 to May, 2000.
Adjunct Faculty. Masters of Science in Systems Management, College of Notre Dame, 1500 Ralston Ave., Belmont, CA 94002, (650) 508-3782, Nov. 1997 to May, 1999.
Senior Research Associate, Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment, 945 Technology Blvd. Suite 101F, Bozeman, MT 59715. (406) 585-1776. Sept. 1993 – August, 1994.
Visiting Scholar, Institute for Governmental Studies, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 642-1474. Intermittently through August, 1993.
Resident Scholar on Democracy and Self-Governance, Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1611
Telegraph Ave., Latham Square, Suite 902, Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 238-5010: December, 1991 to February, 1993.
Lecturer, Department of Political Science, San Jose State University, 1 Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0119, (408) 924-5500: Sept. 1989 – May, 1990.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept, of Political Science, University of Colorado, Box 333, Univ.. of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-7871: July 10 – Aug.11, 1989.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Politics and Government, University of Puget Sound, 1500 N. Warner, Tacoma, WA 98416 (253) 756-3165: 1987-1989
Lecturer, Dept. of Political Science, San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Ave. HSS 261, San Francisco, CA 94132 (415) 338-1178: 1977-8, 1980, 1985-6
•A founder, member of the Executive Committee, and an editor of Cosmos and Taxis, an open source creative commons refereed online academic journal.
Primary Research Advisor (one of 7) Lost and Endangered Religions Project, (Academic face), Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions, P. O. Box 1630, Chicago, IL 60690-1630.
• Chaired an interdisciplinary conference, the fourth, where scholars from a number of countries (in the past Canada, Germany, Italy, Taiwan) gather to present papers and discuss the role of emergent orders primarily within the social sciences. October, 2011,
• Founding Editor, Studies in Emergent Order, . This is an online open source refereed academic journal exploring the role of emergent order in the social sciences. It was established in 2008.
• I have worked for many years in Interfaith work between the Pagan and other spiritual communities, including participating for over a year in a series of interfaith dialogues with an evangelical Christian organization, the Spiritual Counterfeits Project , giving talks to the United Religions Initiative, , the Berkeley Area Interfaith Council, and organizing an Interfaith Tree Planting in the Berkeley Hills where over 400 oaks were planted by Bahais, Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Jains, and Pagans.
• Past Member, Board of Directors, The Cross-Cultural Shamanism Network, 3600-A Cedar Flat Road, Williams, OR 97544 (Publisher of Shaman’s Drum). 2003.
• I studied for six years under Brazilian shaman Antonio Costa e Silva, and am qualified in his eyes to practice and teach the healing practices he carried out for many years in his healing circle. Costa e Silva has since been identified by the Dalai Lama’s oracle as a reincarnated master of a lost lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, and placed in charge of a monastery in India as well as becoming the first non-Tibetan Rinpoche (equivalent of a Ph.D. in Vajrayana Buddhism): Segyu Choepal Rinpoche.
• I originated, selected the readings for and participated in the conference “Ecocentrism and Liberal Thought: Implications for Liberty” under the auspices of the Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment, June 21-24, 2001, in Big Sky, Montana.
• I conceived, developed, and oversaw the creation of the George Bush/Radical Right web site and card deck. The site was launched October 13, 2003. This is a multimedia project encouraging citizens who would not normally read a book on the subject to educate themselves about the character of the radical right in American government and media through an interactive site and humorous card deck, games and art. The site was closed down after the 2008 elections.
• For many years, but not continually, from 1974 to about 1995, I founded and managed an art business, “DiZerega Graphics” producing artistic stationery, envelopes, note cards, and prints successfully and widely marketed throughout the Western United States. I was the principle artist for the company. It financed my Ph.D. research to a great degree as well as filling in during times when I did not have a full time teaching position. Some of this art work can be viewed at .
On August 14, 2004, I received a $10,000 award from the Fund for the Study of Spontaneous Orders for work applying the concept to disciplines outside economics.
Best Nonfiction of 2001, The Coalition of Visionary Resources, for Pagans and Christians: The Personal Spiritual Experience
Outgrowing Methodological Individualism: Emergence, spontaneous orders, and civil society. Cosmos and Taxis. 9: 7-8. 2021. 1-25.
“Ecology, Markets and Capitalism: The Challenge of Sustainability” Cosmos and Taxis, 8:10-11, 2020. pp.18-38.
Reviving Liberalism in the 21st Century: The Evolutionary Liberal Tradition, Reclaiming Liberalism eds. David F. Hardwick and Leslie Marsh. (NY: Palgrave MacMillan) 2020.
“The Highway to Serfdom” Cosmos and Taxis, vol. 8, No. 2-3, 2020. 39-65.
“Democracies are Spontaneous Orders, Not States and Why It Is Important” Cosmos and Taxis, vol. 7, No. 3-4, 2019. 1-25.
“A Critique of Capitalism From an Austrian Perspective” Cosmos and Taxis, vol. 6, No. 1, 2019.
“Connecting the Dots: Hayek, Darwin, and Ecology“ Cosmos and Taxis, Vol. 5, Nos. 3-4. 2018
“Not Simply Construction: Exploring the Darker Side of Taxis” Cosmos and Taxis, vol. 3, no. 1, 2015.
“Paradoxes of Freedom: Civil Society, the Market, and Capitalism” Cosmos and Taxis, vol. 2, no. 1, 2014.
“Outlining a New Paradigm” Cosmos and Taxis, vol. 1, no. 1, 2013.
With D. F. Hardwick, “The Emergence of Vancouver as a Creative City.” In Andersson, DE, Mellander, C, Andersson ÅE (Eds.), Handbook of Creative Cities, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. Forthcoming 2011.
“Spontaneous Order and Liberalism’s Complex Relation to Democracy,” The Independent Review, 16:2, Fall, 2011.
“Conflicts and Contradictions in Invisible Hand Phenomena” Studies in Emergent Order, III, 2010,
“New Directions in Emergent Order Research” Studies in Emergent Order, I, 2007,
“Toward a Hayekian Theory of Commodification and Systemic Contradiction: Citizens, Consumers and the Media” The Review of Politics 66:3, Summer, 2004. 445-468.
“Scale and Magnanimity in Liberal Theory, Reflections on Civic Liberalism”, in Critical Review, vol. 15, nos. 1-2, Winter-Spring 2003. 147-71.
“Liberalism, Democracy and the State: Reclaiming the Unity of Liberal Politics,” The Review of Politics, Fall, 2001.
“Market Non-neutrality: Systemic Bias in Spontaneous Orders,” Critical Review, 11: 1, 1997, 121-144.
With D. F. Hardwick, W. G. Hardwick. Directing Change: a contemporary administrative challenge. Modern Pathology. 5/1997; 10(4): 380-3.
Deep Ecology and Liberalism: The Greener Implications of Evolutionary Liberalism. Review of Politics, 58:4, Fall, 1996.
“Democracy and Peace: The Self-Organizing Foundation of the Democratic Peace,” The Review of Politics, 57:2, Spring, 1995, 279-308.
“Empathy, Society, Nature and the Relational Self: Deep Ecology and Liberal Modernity,” Social Theory and Practice. 21:2, Summer, 1995, 239-269.
“Individuality, Human and Natural Communities, and the Foundation for Ethics,” Environmental Ethics, 17: 1, Spring, 1995, 23-37.
“Social Ecology, Deep Ecology, and Liberalism” Critical Review, 6: 2-3, 1992, 305-370.
“Elites and Democratic Theory: Insights from the Self-Organizing Model,” Review of Politics, June, 1991, 340-372.
“Democracy as a Spontaneous Order,” Critical Review, Spring, 1989, 206-240.
Liberalism and Democracy: Spontaneous Order, Information and Values. Wirtschafts-Politische Blätter, vol. 36, no. 2, 1989, 158-168.
“Equality, Self-Government, and Democracy,” Western Political Quarterly, now The Political Research Quarterly, September, 1988, 447-468.
“Liberalism and Democracy,” a review essay analyzing Robert Dahl’s A Preface to Economic Democracy, in Critical Review, Summer, 1987, 45-62.
“Liberalism, Green Politics, and the Post-Modern Paradigm,” Critical Review, Spg, 1987, 17-41.
Two Sexes, Many Genders and the perils of thinking in dichotomies, Pagan Currents, May 18, 2019.
What is Indigeneity? The Interfaith Observer, February 6, 2015.
“From Methodological Individualism to Emergence, Ecology, and the Fluid Self” in Austrian Economic Perspectives on Individualism, edited by Guinevere Nell. Palgrave MacMillan, 2014.
“Contract, Freedom, and Flourishing: the Implications of Spain’s Mondragon Cooperatives” in Austrian Theory and Economic Organization, edited by Guinevere Nell. Palgrave MacMillan 2014.
“Making the Case: Women, Pagans and Those Valuing Religious Freedom Should Vote Democratic, Voices of the Sacred Feminine, Karen Tate, ed., Change Makers Books, Winchester, UK, 2014. 233-8
“The Pathologies and Unrealized Promise of Libertarianism” in Kelly, G. ed. Uncivil Liberties: Deconstructing Libertarianism, NY: Praxis Peace Institute 2013.
“Response to Avatar,” in Connecting Christ, Paul Louis Metzger, Nashville, Thomas Nelson, 2012. 257-60.
Invited Response in Appendix, Paul Louis Metzger, More Than One Way: How to Talk about Jesus in a Pluralistic Culture (Northfield, June 2011)
Paganism and Ecology, in Barb Davy, ed., Nature Religion Reader in Paganism and Ecology, Rowman and Littlefield, 2007 .
Philanthropy, Civil Society, and Institutions of Care, (PEGS) The Political Economy of the Good Society, 15:1, 2007
“Democratic Forest Trusts” in Watson, Alan; Dean, Liese; Sproull, Janet, comps. Science Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 2006.and stewardship to protect and sustain wilderness values: Eighth World Wilderness Congress symposium; 2005 September 30-October 6; Anchorage, AK.
Proceedings RMRS-P-000. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 2006
“Complexity and the Dream of Human Control of Eco-Systems,” in Watson, Alan; Dean, Liese; Sproull, Janet, comps. Science and stewardship to protect and sustain wilderness values: Eighth World Wilderness Congress symposium; 2005 September 30-October 6; Anchorage, AK. Proceedings RMRS-P-000. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 2006
NeoPagans, Social Responsibility and Politics. Chapter in the anthology Exploring the Pagan Path: Wisdom From the Elders, (New Page Books, 2005)
“Comments on Ealy’s ‘The Necessity of Overcoming the Prejudice of Political philosophy as a Condition for Philanthropy’,” Conversations on Philanthropy, No. 1, Summer, 2004., 85-91.
Articles on Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Bill Kristol, and Sean Hannity in The I Hate Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity… Reader: The Hideous Truth About America’s Ugliest Conservatives, Clint Willis, ed., (NY: Thunder Mouth Press, 2004).
“Emergent Order and Liberal Political Theory” PEGS (Political Economy and the Good Society) 11:3, 2002. 29-33.
“Democracy, Complexity and Non-Territorial Publics: The Case for Forest Trusts” in Steve McBride and Laurent Dobuzinskis, eds., Global Instability: Uncertainty and New Visions in Political Economy, Palgrave/MacMillan, 2003.
“Sympathy, Nature and the Splitting of the Atomic Self,” New Renaissance, Winter 2001.
The Nature of the Divine: Transcendence and Immanence in Contemporary Pagan Theology, With 14 other participants. The Pomegranate, 16, May, 2001. pp. 4-16.
“La democrazia delle citta” (“Federalism and Democratic Evolution,”) in Italian translation, Ideazione, Rome, 3, 2001.
Prescription for the “Lesser of Two Evils” Election Malaise: Is There Another Way? West By Northwest (An Online Magazine), Late Summer, 2000:
“Nature Religion and the Modern World,” Sacred Cosmos, November, 2000.
“Stato o democrazia? Contro la critica liberale classica della politica democratica.” Elites, Naples, II, 3, Fall 1999.
“Love, Suffering and Evil: A Neopagan View,” The Pomegranate, 7: Imbolc, 1999.
“Saving Western Towns: A Jeffersonian Green Proposal,” in Writers on the Range, Karl Hess and John Baden, ed., University Press of Colorado, Niwot, CO 1998.
“Federalismo, autoorganizzazione e dissoluzione dello Stato,” (translated reprint) élites, 2:1, Jan.-March, 1998.
“Rethinking the Obvious: Modernity and Living Respectfully With Nature,” The Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy, Winter, 1997.
“Empathy, Society, Nature, and the Relational Self: Deep Ecology and Liberalism,” in Roger Gottlieb, eds., The Ecological Community, Routledge, New York, 1997.
“Comment on William Ophuls’ ‘Requiem for Representative Democracy,’” PEGS (Political Economy of the Good Society), Fall, 1997.
“Il Federalismo e la Dissoluzione dello Stato,” (translated reprint) Federalismo & Societa, V, II Fall, 1997.
“Towards an Ecocentric Political Economy” The Trumpeter, Fall, 1996.
“Empathy, Society, Nature and the Relational Self: Deep Ecology and Liberal Modernity,” reprinted in The Environmental Challenge to Social and Political Theory, Roger S. Gottlieb, ed., Routledge, 1996.
“Environmentalism and the New Political Climate: Wiser Strategies for the Future,” in A Wolf in the Garden: The Land Rights Movement and the Renewal of the American Environmental Movement, Philip Brick and R. MacGregor Cawley, eds., Rowman and Littlefield, 1996.
“Ken Wilber’s Critique of Deep Ecology and Nature Religion,” The Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy, 13: 3, Spring, 1996.
“Sustainable Communities: Self-Organization, Politics, and Gore’s Environmental Marshall Plan,” in Goring the Earth: A Constructive Response to Earth in the Balance, Pacific Research Institute, 1994, 227-248. (My chapter was favorably reviewed in Nature, vol. 375, May 11, 1995, p. 115.)
“Federalism, Self-Organization, and the Dissolution of the State,” Telos, no. 100, Summer, 1994, 57-86.
“Unexpected Harmonies: Self-Organization in Liberal Modernity and Ecology” The Trumpeter, Journal of Ecosophy, 10:1, Winter 1993, 25-32.
“Quantum Mechanics and Post-Modern Political Theory: the Priority of Relationships over Objects,” in New Physics, New Politics, Theodore Becker, ed, Praeger Press, 1991, 65-97.
“Animal Rights and Human Rights: The Perils of Abstractness,” Public Affairs Report, Institute of Governmental Affairs, UC Berkeley, November, 1991.
“How Informed Need Voters Really Be?” Public Affairs Report , Institute for Governmental Affairs, Univ. of California, Berkeley, Vol. 31, No. 6, November, 1990.
“Liberalism and Democracy: Spontaneous Order, Information and Values,” Wirtschafts-Politische Blatter, vol. 36, no. 2, 1989, 158-168.
Review of Deborah Cadbury, Chocolate Wars: The 150 year rivalry between the world’s greatest chocolate makers. For Conversations in Philanthropy, forthcoming.
Review of David Prychitko, Markets, Planning and Democracy, for the Review of Austrian Economics.2007, 20:2-3. 209-11.
Review of Maxime Schwartz, How the Cows Turned Mad, for The Review of Politics, Spring 2006. 68:2..
Review of Paul Christopher Johnson, Secrets, Gossip. And Gods: The Transformation of Brazilian Candomble, for The Pomegranate. Volume 7 Issue2, 2005, pp. 234-8.
Natural Capitalism vs. Free Market Environmentalism, The Free Liberal, 1:3, 2004. p. 8
Conservatism, Liberalism, and the Radical Right, The Free Liberal, 1:2,2004. pp. 4-5.
Review of John R. Hibbing and Elizabeth Theiss-Morse, What is it About Government that Americans Dislike? (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), in Canadian Journal of Political Science, forthcoming.
“Can Bush’s Judgment be Trusted on the Brink of War?” Walla Walla Union Bulletin, September 25. 2002.
“Ashcroft must serve people. Country and Constitution” Walla Walla Union Bulletin, December 19. 2001.
“Back to Nature” UUWorld 15:5, Nov./Dec. 2001, p. 14
“Neopaganism and Fascism, contra Staudenmaier” The Pomegranate, 16, May, 2001. pp. 51-53.
“Neopaganism,” letter to Hinduism Today, December, 1999, p. 12.
Review of Anton Pelinka, Politics of the Lesser Evil: Leadership, Democracy and Jaruzelski’s Poland, (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Pub., 1999) in Journal of Political and Military Sociology, vol. 27, no. 1, Summer 1999.
“Religious Freedom in Military at Risk,” Santa Rosa Press Democrat, June 26, 1999.
“Democracies Don’t Shoot at Each Other,” Wall Street Journal, Jan. 20, 1999.
“A Disaster Strikes, A Community Rallies,” Santa Rosa Press Democrat, Oct. 11, 1997.
Letter to Gnosis arguing pre-modern humanity had a sense of natural beauty. Fall, 1996.
Review of Ken Wilber, Sex, Ecology, Spirituality: The Spirit of Evolution, (Boston: Shambhala, 1995), in Gnosis, no. 37, Fall, 1995, 86-87. With Richard Smoley.
“True Endangered Species Reform,” opinion column. Santa Rosa Press Democrat, May 2, 1995.
“Defending the ’60s Generation” Santa Rosa Press Democrat, March 19, 1995.
“Local Solutions for Local Problems,” The Wichita Eagle, opinion column, Jan. 22, 1995.
“Together in Disaster” The flood and strengthening community. Santa Rosa Press Democrat, opinion column, January 13, 1995, Santa Rosa, CA.
“Sow the Seeds, Grow Citizens,” opinion column, The Wichita Eagle, Nov. 20, 1994.
“Closing Down Drug Houses,” opinion column, The Wichita Eagle, Sept. 25, 1994.
A letter discussing markets and environmental policy, Sierra, May/June, 1994.
“The Foolishness Behind the ‘Wise Use’ Crusade” opinion column, Seattle Times, March 16, 1994.
A letter defending environmentalism and eco-centric philosophy in Reason, April, 1994.
A letter defending environmentalism and discussing the 1993 California fires. The Wall Street Journal. Nov. 26, 1993.
Many book reviews for Sierra Club publication The Yodeler . Among the titles reviewed are Anna Bramwell, Ecology in the 20th Century, (Yale, 1989); Brian Tokar, The Green Alternative, (R&E Miles, 1987); J. Baird Callicott, In Defense of the Land Ethic, (SUNY, 1989) and Michael Allaby, A Guide to Gaia, (E. P. Dutton, 1989), Dave Foreman, Confessions of an Eco-Warrior, (Harmony Books, 1991)
“A New Horse for the Spirits” Shaman’s Drum, Mid-summer, 1989.
Letter discussing the controversy over President Reagan’s visit to the Bitburg cemetery. Die Zeit, no. 23, May 31, 1985.
“Paradoxes of Freedom: Civil Society and the Market,” 4th Conference on New Directions in the Study of Emergent and Spontaneous Orders: coping with tensions, Portsmouth, NH, Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 2011.
“Conflicts and Contradictions in Invisible Hand Phenomena” 3rd Conference on New Directions in the Study of Emergent and Spontaneous Orders: Organizations and emergence: Tensions and Symbiosis, White Plains, NY, December 3-6, 2009.
“New Directions in Emergent Order Research” 2nd Conference on New Directions in the Study of Emergent and Spontaneous Orders, October 27-30, Portsmouth, NH, 2008.
“Philanthropy, Public Values and the Crisis of Liberalism” The Commerce of Neighbors: Philanthropy and Emergent Order, Project for New Philanthropy Studies, Donors Trust, Providence, Rhode Island, September 25-28, 2008.
“Comments on Papers Submitted” Conference on New Directions in the Study of Emergent and Spontaneous Orders: Orders and Borders, Portsmouth, New Hampshire October 27-30, 2007
“Boundaries and Conflict Between Social and Ecological Emergent Orders: A Left-Hayekian Perspective.” Panel presentation at the International Society for the Systems Sciences 50th Annual Conference, Sonoma State University, California, July 9-14, 2006.
“Watershed Restoration Groups and Democratic Forest Trusts as Evolutionary Learning Communities.” Panel presentation at the International Society for the Systems Sciences 50th Annual Conference, Sonoma State University, California, July 9-14, 2006.
Panel Participant, Prospects for American Conservatism, Association for Political Theory Conference 2005, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, October 22, 2005.
“Emergent Order and Political Theory,” Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Spontaneous Order, Fund for the Study of Spontaneous Orders, Atlas Economic Research Foundation, George Mason University Law School, Arlington, Virginia, January 12 to 14, 2005.
“Emergent Order and Political theory,” Association for Political Theory Conference 2004, The Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO, October 30, 2004.
“Return of the Divine Feminine: The 60s and the Culture War,” Pantheacon, San Jose, Feb. 18, 2006.
“At Home on the Earth: Paganism and Ecology”, Feb 19, Pantheacon, San Jose, Feb. 19, 2006
Panel Participant, Prospects for American Conservatism, Association for Political Theory Conference 2005, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, October 22, 2005.
“Complexity and the Dream of Human Control of Eco-Systems,” poster and short presentation at the 8th World Wilderness Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, Sept 30 through October 6, 2005.
“Democratic Forest Trusts” poster and short presentation at the 8th World Wilderness Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, Sept 30 through October 6, 2005.
“Pagans, Ecology and the Sacred in Nature,” Pantheacon, San Jose, Feb. 20, 2005.
“Pagans in the Academy, Panel discussion. Pantheacon, San Jose, Feb. 19, 2005
“Emergent Order and Political theory” and “Toward a Hayekian Theory of Commodification and Systemic Contradiction” Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Spontaneous Order, Fund for the
Study of Spontaneous Orders, Atlas Economic Research Foundation, George Mason University Law School, Arlington, Virginia, January 12 to 14, 2005.
“Emergent Order and Political theory,” Association for Political Theory Conference 2004, The Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO, October 30, 2004.
“Toward a Hayekian Theory of Commodification and Systemic Contradiction: Citizens, Consumers and the Media” Presented at the Kaplan Workshop in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, March 29, 2004.
“Democracy, Complexity, and Non-Territorial Publics: The Case for Forest Trusts” presented at the 14th Annual Interdisciplinary Environment and Community Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY, February 19, 2004.
“Modernity and Environmental Sustainability: Positive Possibilities” Southwest Political Science Association meeting. Amarillo, TX, April 15-18, 2003.
Chair, Panel on “New and Recent Books in Environmental Politics” Western Political Science Association annual meeting, Denver, CO, March, 2003.
“Emergent Order in Political Theory” To be presented at the Western Political Science Association annual meeting, Denver, CO, March, 2003.
“Unexpected Connections: The Socialist Calculation Debate and Lessons for Sustainable Societies” Presented at the Kaplan Workshop in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, April 5, 2002.
“Unexpected Connections: The Socialist Calculation Debate and Lessons for Sustainable Societies” Southwestern Social Science Association, New Orleans, LA, March, 2002.
“Wild Democracy” radio interview with Dr. J. Hughes, see:
Guest speaker and panelist, national convention, Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, Boulder, Colorado, September 21-23, 2001. forthcoming.
“Pagans and Christians: An Interview with Gus diZerega” in Connections Magazine, Winter, 2001.
Interviewed in, The Wiccan Pagan Times, on line:, August, 2001.
“Protecting Local Values: The Case for Forest Trusts” Presented at the Global Turbulence Conference, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, July 19-20, 2001.
“Democracy, Ecology and Sustainability: The Case of Forest Trusts” Presented at the Western Political Science Association annual meeting, Las Vegas, NV, March, 2001.
“Pagans, Christians, and the Sacred in Nature,” Pantheacon, San Francisco, Feb. 17, 2001.
Guest Speaker, Sustainable Edmonton Society Community Conference: From Action to Understanding, Grant MacEwan Community College, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Oct. 23 – 25, 1998.
Guest Lecturer, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA. May 22, 1998. I gave a presentation on Deep Ecology, Modernity and Sustainability.
Panelist and discussant, 50th Annual Conference on World Affairs, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, April 6-10, 1998. I participated in seven panels dealing with religion, the environment, and contemporary politics.
Interviewed by Michael Toms on the subject of modernity and Deep Ecology. Feb. 5, 1998. New Dimensions Radio, as part of a series on Deep Ecology. New Dimensions appears on over 300 stations worldwide.
Panelist and discussant, 49th Annual Conference on World Affairs, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, April 7-11, 1997. I participated in seven panels dealing with religion, the environment, and contemporary politics
“Nature Religion and the Modern World,” at Pantheacon, Oakland, Feb. 17, 1997.
“Transpersonal Psychology and Paganism: Ken Wilber’s Attack on Nature Religion” at Pantheacon, San Jose, Feb. 18, 1996.
Panelist, “Pagan Scholarship: Oxymoron no more” at Pantheacon, San Jose, Feb. 17, 1996.
“Paganism and Modernity” at Celebrating the Spirit: Towards a Global Ethic. This was part of the interfaith portion of the official “UN 50” celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. University of California, Berkeley, CA, June 21, 1995.
Guest lecturer, St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York. I was invited to give a presentation on liberalism and environmental ethics and a second lecture on environmental issues and public policy as a guest of the Political Science and Economics Departments, April 6-7, 1995.
“Paganism and Modernity” at Pantheacon, San Jose, CA, Feb. 15, 1995.
“Democracy and Peace: The Self-Organizing Foundation for the Democratic Peace,” Institute for Governmental Studies, Berkeley, CA, Feb. 1, 1995.
“The Role of Self-organizing Principles in Environmental Policy” Presentation to British Columbia Commission on Resources and the Environment. March 28, 1994.
“Saving Western Towns” presented April 21, 1994, at the Panel on Property Rights and Public Interests, Western Social Science Association Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
I was the only non-Canadian invited to the “Invitational Symposium on Growth Management” sponsored by the Province of British Columbia. I was invited in order to give a presentation on how self-organizing processes in public policy could help solve otherwise intractable problems in regional growth and complexity. Vancouver, B.C., February 26-27, 1993. This presentation led directly to the book project described under “work in progress.”
“Elites and Democratic Theory: Insights from the Self-Organizing Model” American Political Science Assoc. Meeting, Washington D.C., Aug. 31, 1989
“The Scientific Community and Democratic Theory: Implications from the Work of Stephen Toulmin and John Ziman” Northwestern Political Science Assoc., Portland, OR, Nov. 10, 1988
“The Scientific Community and Democratic Theory: Implications from the Work of Stephen Toulmin and John Ziman” APSA Meeting, Washington, D.C., Sept. 2, 1988
“Democracy and Self-Organizing Systems: Applying Hayekian Insights to Democratic Theory” Symposium on Self-Organizing Systems and the Social Sciences, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, April 28, 1988.
Visiting Professor of Politics, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, April, 2009 I taught there for two weeks as a special visiting professor because of my work on politics and complex adaptive systems. 2009.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Government, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617. 2004-2007.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Politics, Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA 99362, 2000-2004.
Adjunct Faculty, Dept. of Social Sciences, Santa Rosa Junior College, 1501 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95401-4395 (707) 527-4228: August, 1995 to May, 2000.
Adjunct Faculty. Masters of Science in Systems Management, College of Notre Dame, 1500 Ralston Ave., Belmont, CA 94002, (650) 508-3782, Nov. 1997 to May, 1999.
Senior Research Associate, Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment, 945 Technology Blvd. Suite 101F, Bozeman, MT 59715. (406) 585-1776. Sept. 1993 – August, 1994.
Visiting Scholar, Institute for Governmental Studies, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 642-1474. Intermittently through August, 1993.
Resident Scholar on Democracy and Self-Governance, Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1611
Telegraph Ave., Latham Square, Suite 902, Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 238-5010: December, 1991 to February, 1993.
Lecturer, Department of Political Science, San Jose State University, 1 Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0119, (408) 924-5500: Sept. 1989 – May, 1990.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept, of Political Science, University of Colorado, Box 333, Univ.. of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-7871: July 10 – Aug.11, 1989.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Politics and Government, University of Puget Sound, 1500 N. Warner, Tacoma, WA 98416 (253) 756-3165: 1987-1989
Lecturer, Dept. of Political Science, San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Ave. HSS 261, San Francisco, CA 94132 (415) 338-1178: 1977-8, 1980, 1985-6
•A founder, member of the Executive Committee, and an editor of Cosmos and Taxis, an open source creative commons refereed online academic journal.
Primary Research Advisor (one of 7) Lost and Endangered Religions Project, (Academic face), Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions, P. O. Box 1630, Chicago, IL 60690-1630.
• Chaired an interdisciplinary conference, the fourth, where scholars from a number of countries (in the past Canada, Germany, Italy, Taiwan) gather to present papers and discuss the role of emergent orders primarily within the social sciences. October, 2011,
• Founding Editor, Studies in Emergent Order, . This is an online open source refereed academic journal exploring the role of emergent order in the social sciences. It was established in 2008.
• I have worked for many years in Interfaith work between the Pagan and other spiritual communities, including participating for over a year in a series of interfaith dialogues with an evangelical Christian organization, the Spiritual Counterfeits Project , giving talks to the United Religions Initiative, , the Berkeley Area Interfaith Council, and organizing an Interfaith Tree Planting in the Berkeley Hills where over 400 oaks were planted by Bahais, Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Jains, and Pagans.
• Past Member, Board of Directors, The Cross-Cultural Shamanism Network, 3600-A Cedar Flat Road, Williams, OR 97544 (Publisher of Shaman’s Drum). 2003.
• I studied for six years under Brazilian shaman Antonio Costa e Silva, and am qualified in his eyes to practice and teach the healing practices he carried out for many years in his healing circle. Costa e Silva has since been identified by the Dalai Lama’s oracle as a reincarnated master of a lost lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, and placed in charge of a monastery in India as well as becoming the first non-Tibetan Rinpoche (equivalent of a Ph.D. in Vajrayana Buddhism): Segyu Choepal Rinpoche.
• I originated, selected the readings for and participated in the conference “Ecocentrism and Liberal Thought: Implications for Liberty” under the auspices of the Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment, June 21-24, 2001, in Big Sky, Montana.
• I conceived, developed, and oversaw the creation of the George Bush/Radical Right web site and card deck. The site was launched October 13, 2003. This is a multimedia project encouraging citizens who would not normally read a book on the subject to educate themselves about the character of the radical right in American government and media through an interactive site and humorous card deck, games and art. The site was closed down after the 2008 elections.
• For many years, but not continually, from 1974 to about 1995, I founded and managed an art business, “DiZerega Graphics” producing artistic stationery, envelopes, note cards, and prints successfully and widely marketed throughout the Western United States. I was the principle artist for the company. It financed my Ph.D. research to a great degree as well as filling in during times when I did not have a full time teaching position. Some of this art work can be viewed at .
On August 14, 2004, I received a $10,000 award from the Fund for the Study of Spontaneous Orders for work applying the concept to disciplines outside economics.
Best Nonfiction of 2001, The Coalition of Visionary Resources, for Pagans and Christians: The Personal Spiritual Experience