In the late 1880s Darwin’s cousin, Francis Galton advocated applying scientific insights to human reproduction. He label his proposed science “eugenics.” Galton argued that just as physical traits were obviously inherited, the same could be said for mental qualities. In … Read more
The Roots of Religious Nihilism
The Hypnosis of Texts
The Corporation, American Nihilism and Mafia Capitalism
The DDT Lie
The Pathology of NeoConservative ‘Manliness’
Harvey Mansfield is a leading Neoconservative scholar, as well as having been Bill Kristol’s mentor at Harvard. In 2006 Mansfield published Manliness to facilitate supposedly emasculated American males in regaining pride in their inner selves, while persuading emasculating American women … Read more
Iraq — Let us not forget those who were right: the case for a national day of mourning
Here are the appendices for Faultlines
The Roots of Religious Nihilism
Masculine Boundaries: a bar fight
The troubling case of eugenics