Harvey Mansfield is a leading Neoconservative scholar, as well as having been Bill Kristol’s mentor at Harvard. In 2006 Mansfield published Manliness to facilitate supposedly emasculated American males in regaining pride in their inner selves, while persuading emasculating American women … Read more
Category: Scholarly
Neoconservatism’s Paradoxical Origins
Spontaneous Order and Liberalism’s Complex Relation to Democracy
Social Justice from a Pagan Perspective
On January 23, 2016, I gave this paper as the keynote speaker at the Conference of Current Pagan Studies, in Claremont, California. It was well received and I want to make it available to anyone who is interested.
Social … Read more
Not Just Construction: the shadow side of large organizations
Turning the Tables: The pathologies and unrealized promise of libertarianism
Hayekian Insights on Capitalism and Civil Society
Paradoxes of Freedom: Civil Society and the Market Order
Published in Cosmos and Taxis, Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2014.
Civil society maximizes individual freedom. Spontaneous orders emerge from principles expressed more completely within civil society and enable cooperation to take more complex forms than in their absence. … Read more
Paradoxes of Freedom: Civil Society and the Market Order, Cosmos and Taxis, Vol 2, No. 1
Civil society maximizes individual freedom. Spontaneous orders emerge from principles expressed more completely within civil society and enable cooperation to take more complex forms than in their absence. However to the degree spontaneous orders incorporate activities from civil society, subjecting … Read more