The NeoPagan community has been divided over issues of gender and sexuality, particularly the appropriate relations between natal and trans-women. While this controversy deals with important issues, its vehemence is due to mistaken ways of thinking about it, ways rooted in … Read more
Category: Uncategorized
Looking Deeper: Kavanaugh, Women, the Culture War, and Us.
“Connecting the Dots: Hayek, Darwin, and Ecology” COSMOS + TAXIS, vol 5 | issue 3 + 4 2018
Social institutions viewed from a Hayekian perspective closely match evolutionary and ecological perspectives in biology. All rely on the same systemic relationships of variation, selection, and inheritance. What Hayek called spontaneous orders are variations of a larger range of related … Read more
My Near Death Experience in Maine: And a powerful lesson in compassion
Liberalism, Conservatism and spirituality, Part III: the crisis of nihilism and the decline of liberty
Witches and Pagans now has Part III of my essay on liberalism, conservatism, their intellectual and moral collapse and what spiritualities of immanence might be able to do to revitalize them. If you wonder why liberals are so weak and … Read more
A brief overview of the Vietnam Protest Movement
Starbucks and Capitalism vs. the Market
In my post “Capitalism vs. the market” I argued that while when the market was subordinate to civil society it was a source for enhancing human liberty, when it became independent of, and even worse, superior to civil society … Read more