The word “philanthropy” elicits images of the wealthy using their bounty
establishing scholarships or contributing to institutions helping the poor to assist the less fortunate. Or perhaps employing their riches to endow art museums, libraries, museums and public art, enabling … Read more
Category: Emergent Order
“Scale and Magnanimity in Liberal Theory, Reflections on Civic Liberalism”, in Critical Review, vol. 15, nos. 1-2, Winter-Spring 2003. 147-71
“Liberalism, Democracy and the State: Reclaiming the Unity of Liberal Politics,” The Review of Politics, Fall, 2001.
“Market Non-neutrality: Systemic Bias in Spontaneous Orders,” Critical Review, 11: 1, 1997, 121-144
“Unexpected Harmonies: Self-Organization in Liberal Modernity and Ecology” The Trumpeter, Journal of Ecosophy, 10:1, Winter 1993, 25-32.
“Elites and Democratic Theory: Insights from the Self-Organizing Model,” Review of Politics, June, 1991, 340-372.
“Democracy as a Spontaneous Order,” Critical Review, Spring, 1989, 206-240
Liberal democracy, science, and the market constitute Western modernity’s finest flowers. Each has transformed the world, and together they created a decisive break with all preceding societies. Today even cultures with no understanding of the principles underlying these institutions rhetorically